Venues: What’s the #1 thing an event planner looks at when searching for venues online?

Kim Hesse
Hello venue friends!
What’s the #1 thing event planners look at when searching for a venue online?
Yep, you guessed it, your photos.
This week’s episode of Venue TV is pretty short and to the point. Have a look at your current portfolio of photos and ask yourself:
1. Are our photo’s Airbnb worthy?
2. Do our photos need updating?
If your photos are Airbnb worthy amazing. If not, I recommend hiring a Real Estate Photographer to come in and ‘shoot’ your space.
That’s it. Easy as that. Nothing more to add.
If you have one thing to spend your marketing dollars on, in my opinion, spend it on your photos. Photos sell spaces.
Keep running events, connecting people and changing lives.
x Kim
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