Join us for a fun and relaxed monthly chat about everything to do with events. The session is designed to give you a bunch of practical hints and tips you can take away and action immediately and talk honestly about current challenges.
10.30am - Introduction & Submit a Question
We’ll ask you, our guests, to submit a question that you would like us to help answer.
10.35am - Event Low-down
We’ll review and chat about some cool things that are happening in event land that are worth knowing about.
10.40am - Guest Speaker
A short, sharp and punchy ‘shot in the arm’ from one of Leading Voice Speaker Management’s professional speakers.
10.50am - Venue Chat & Virtual Site Inspection
It’s hard to see a venue when interstate travel is limited. Our venue of the month will cover:
11.00am - Wrap up & Extended Q+A Time (if needed)
Time: 10.30am - 11.15am
Where: Your computer, tablet or smartphone
RSVP: Select your preferred session below
Wednesday 14th April
Wednesday 12th May
This online event is ideal for you if: